We are pleased to announce that the CT Student Loan Repayment Program (CT SLRP) was relaunched in May 2024! This program is focused on awards for healthcare professionals serving in underserved population areas. Please scroll down to listen to key partners describe the benefits and opportunities for loan repayment in Connecticut.
Please note that not all eligible applicants who completed applications received an award.
The Connecticut Office of Higher Education is offering a different loan forgiveness program called "Student Loan Reimbursement Program" which went live on January 1, 2025. If you did not qualify through our program, you may be eligible for alternative funds being offered by the CT Office of Higher Education.
We value all of our healthcare providers!
Notifications to applicants regarding the awards for the
Student Loan Repayment Program (CT SLRP) have been completed.
Manisha Juthani, MD, Connecticut Department of Public Health
Dr. Alerte, Associate Dean for Primary Care, Professor of Pediatrics,
University of Connecticut School of Medicine